Pichun Pascual (son)
Who is Pascal? *
Pascual is a young Mapuche Pichun 27 years, an activist in the fight for the rights of indigenous peoples.
Since exile in Argentina, a case unfairly escaping invented by the multinationals operating in Chile and the usurpers of the Araucanía landowners, began his university studies in communication at the School of Journalism and Communication at the UNLP.
Committed to the cause full-time work for human rights of indigenous peoples in the region private capital and the freedom, coming to teach communication in criminal near the city of La Plata. Also never neglected his family and the politically and emotionally charged of the same, at all times informed the trial of his father under the laws of the Chilean dictatorship.
As a regular student of fourth year of the race, who attended with great sacrifice, he participated as a collaborator with the secretary of human rights and integrated numerous projects FPyCS University Extension and Volunteer, to produce three documentaries about the recovery of the memory of the native peoples with Wichi nations, Toba, Pilaga and Guarani.
For his exemplary performance in his college career came to get scholarships in the various projects he participated, he served also as a teaching assistant in the departments of Human Rights Information and Analysis.
On Friday 26 February was arrested on the streets of Temuco by the police while walking with his brother and went to see his family, who had not seen for 6 years.
* From the Blog For Freedom of Pascual
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