Friday, April 23, 2010

Where Can I Find St Dalfour Cream In Uar

Cosmoficción 1.

Travelers Morales

When the land came to his senses and community universe consider the maturity of the earthlings to invite you to travel through space, put as a condition "to have moral conduct and good faith", as many considered to earthlings evil beings in their programming.

required reports and logs are standing passengers, who reported the worlds which visited and to respect the obligation not to interfere in their cultures, being invisible as needed, but information about the activities and observations. The community

cared too much space to incorporate other races with a level of spirituality, reason and moral advice, "when a species is lost, the entire universe lost, but the maturity should be a way to go for each species, the knowledge of the route is a treasure we should all learn. "

Most reports issued by travelers earthlings were adulterated and the board did not check it relied in good faith of men, they quickly realized that the logs could be fake.

is not easy to jump into the pocket code, all space explorer who boasts of such a memory knows, is a mandatory requirement to take off, this in addition to psychological tests and tests on the detectors and machines to ensure ethical behavior space and other worlds.

The task of through space, was a task for the seekers of knowledge, not a job for treasure hunters materials lamentablente part of the space council was right, humans were not morally fit to travel.

From the land began traveling soldiers and warriors of the army, the toughest and bravest, boldest also risking everything, the moral code and behavior of space travelers were not worth anything to them.

Not finding any resistance on the different planets that the man was surreptitiously visiting and conquering by force planets with lower levels of technology, plundering its riches, but the space council ignorant of reality, seen with good eyes the amount of land travelers contribute and which quickly became one of the species with more presence in space.

The number of worlds that reported on their voyages of discovery was surprising, no later imagined the horror hidden in each file to when the council went into why humans were the majority in this part of the universe, the feeling of mistrust and were unknown betrayal, lies and death in the universe travels was the great contribution of humanity that was later able to confirm the council.

Pedro Melinao


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