Friday, May 7, 2010

Dry Body Oil Spray Recipe

Contemporary Spanish Literature Research> Congress ASETEL

The English Association of Literary Theory (ASETEL) announces its first International Congress which will take place on 26, 27 and 28 January 2011 at the University of Granada.
addition to plenary lectures and presentations the conference will include a space for communication. Proposals must conform to one of the following thematic lines :
  1. Theory of Literature and Literary Genres
  2. Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Studies
  3. Aesthetics, Hermeneutics, Theory of literary knowledge
  4. Sociology of Literature
  5. Cultural Studies: Literature, Film, New Media
Those interested in submitting a communication must submit your proposal by email, including a brief curriculum (degree, professional position, research lines and, where applicable, mention of relevant publications), title of the intervention and a summary of 300-350 words) to Local Organizing Committee Secretariat, Dr Grande Angeles Rosales: . Proposals must be sent before June 30 (first term) or September 1 (final deadline).


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