Monday, August 30, 2010

Blue Prints For Dune Buggy


Getting to touch
Gallo and, as it goes,
to the pavement and asphalt. You
you arrive, hang me that lantern
someone has to light so many streets dead. Turners
light your vampire bite
know that there is something to tell. Too
Yo, I want to play to be higher and dance
Duck Lake
your bed to your sofa. A beat I
closing the door to the world
and I endeavor to paint other colors brown
loneliness of these nights.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Onkyo Is The Best Brand

Like when you're the cause of my sweat and our skins drunk collide with each other. But tonight, tonight the heat does not come from within but from outside and stick my arm to my leg and my foot to my knee and everything is off, quiet.
Because I love that I surround yourself with your arms. I had never met a hugger so good. I lost close your eyes looking ahead, stuck. I lost your mouth hooks. I miss your hands.
"Now is the time of strawberries and kisses." No strawberries.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mucus Plug Aftrr Miscarriage

Recovery (Isla Cautín)

For nearly a decade has been discussing the need and desirability of transforming the island into a park Cautín for the city. For various reasons, has so far not been possible to advance significantly and steadily to materialize, although there is a widespread consensus citizen in need.

is why I am in favor of promoting and implementing the idea of \u200b\u200ba great "Sports Recreational Park" in both areas, to transform this place into permanent meeting point for all sport disciplines, where practiced with the dignity they deserve athletes, safe and adequate comfort. Areas of existing forest of Boldo, plus indoor areas open parks should accommodate hosting family recreation and outdoor sports. It is also possible to think about designing theme parks hosting the local identity and whose management is agreed with functional organizations such as Friends of the Tree Society, the Association of Parks and Gardens, etc.. Border areas can accommodate sports facilities closed, food and craft sales.
Think of a Recreational Sports Park that integrates with the island Cautín Island Girl Cautín (approximately 70 hectares in total), means taking as prior authorization of the boxes, of interconnectivity and security. The forms and tools that can be used for this are varied and complementary as well, ranging from the state's financial action itself (Municipality, Minvu, Regional Government), to grant areas of private commercial interest find resources to enable execution of works or the financing of its future maintenance.
Hugo Vidal, former Housing Seremi Araucania Region.

Recent purposes week from late June until the first week of August there were a series of sporting activities on Avenida de Los Poetas a way that is enabled as a way to decompress Caupolican avenue through the city and that today feeds the center of City taking hours of saturation by the large number of collective lococomoción vehicles and individuals.
This avenue is emerging as a fast and expedient to leave the center to the coast or the south, besides being a ring bordering the River Cautín and quickly connects peripheral sectors of the city as Santa Rosa, Pichia soldering iron and Dawn.
This new avenue left to the historic Island Cautín protected and located in a great value in this sector which for years was in the hands of the armed forces as a training camp and backyard shooting Regiment No. 1 Tucapel, much to discuss his fate. Once a sector that product during winter and flood the river was constantly flooded, today due to reduced river flow for various reasons (many more than the natural and artificial), together with the construction of flood barriers the banks, now the water no longer presents a threat if not more as a contained and controlled flow.

Avenue served to enable duathlon circuit which competed a lot of athletes and sportsmen, was also an interesting alliance since the competition was supplied by a local "Vega Monumental" with fresh fruit and natural (first time in my case I see a logical connection as sports, health and healthy eating, although the city is obvious in this alliance is a new exhibition sport "), the activity was organized by the branch of the YMCA Triathlon Temuco.
In addition to this competition is conducted by the end of the loop of "Cross Country" that organized the Masters Athletic Club Temuco, had a circuit starting and finishing as the square of the future civic center there is built, the circuit of nearly 3 kilometers included a tour of the existing roads and trails within the Cautín Island, all while accompanied by the indefatigable players who hold religiously every weekend soccer precarious in the sector, a real party sports for any observer.
In short side closed by the end of an avenue for a sporting activity (on a Sunday morning with no damage), the interior of the island contains a variety of activities such as soccer and field a foot race, but a Once you have done here also national championships in land navigation.

what some foolishly call empty spaces, vacant lots, city balances are far from reality, because these myths are fueled by speculators have taken place in homes and subdivisions filled housing (not necessarily intended for the needy) , rich spaces that host various cultural activities so precarious that would be best if they were designed and constructed so that people are tipping to the parks, especially Temuco one of the cities with less square meters of green area per capita.
is gratifying to feel part of a community that occupies these spaces (people not devised logizada) but to conduct its business brand strength and power every time we take care of this in the "public spaces" and demand quality, one that is level of this new century where it is assumed the man, the environment and welfare are the focus of urban policy face more and more cities are presented as monsters that swallow the humanity of their inhabitants.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ocean Blue Lyrical Dance Costumes

Revista "Sesión no numerada"

Session Unnumbered Magazine audiovisual letters and fiction is a project of electronic journal published by the research group "Theory and Rhetoric Fiction "and directed by Alfonso Muñoz Corcuera, who published and unpublished original articles whose subject is registered as within the magazine's editorial line, the relationship of film and television series with any of the humanities (literature, philosophy, history, etc.).
The magazine is aimed at researchers in any university and any person interested in academic research on audiovisual fiction. The frequency of the magazine will be annual, with plans to publish the first issue for January 2011. The deadline for submission of articles for this first issue will be open until November 30, 2010.
For more information please contact the secretariat of the magazine in the e-mail or visit web page.