Monday, January 31, 2011

Chrissy Of Nadine Jansen

Sexto Simposio Internacional del Centro de Estudios de Narratología

The Narratology Studies Center (CEN) is holding its Sixth International Symposium Narratology "multiple narratives and discourses. Tribute to David William Foster on 22, 23 and 24 July 2011 in the headquarters of the National Library Buenos Aires.
communications must conform to one of the following themes:
  1. theoretical and critical aspects of production of David William Foster.
  2. The problem of referentiality documents / documentaries, features, testimonials and more.
  3. Time and narrative discourses.
  4. (de) colonization and cultural image. Hybridization
  5. discursive and generic.
  6. Representations of the subject.
  7. narrative and narratological readings.
  8. Categories story: reformulations.

The deadline for submitting a paper proposal (maximum 250 words) ending March 31, 2011.

More information:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Keratin Treatment Salons In Ottawa

What comes

Patricio Segura spoke with the team's communications Patagonia without dams. by elquintopoder

Pic Of All Shiny Pokemon

Agradecimiento a los participantes de la II Reunión Extraordinaria en Chinchón

Noting the success of special meetings of the research group we still have to thank Zúmel publicly Pepe, head of the Municipal Library Chinchón, who handled warmly welcome this second meeting by making available all facilities and techniques every effort to make us feel at home.
Much of this success lies also with Marta Espinosa, and instructed his courageous defense of the overlap between the fantastic and the lyric is undeniably an evocative new perspective to the study of fantasy literature. We also thank the attendees for their active contribution to the interesting debate that was generated after the presentation.
The next meeting of the research group will take place during April, with Fernando Angel Moreno Serrano for the corresponding conference.